Chartered Organization Representative & XO

Mrs. Leggiero is a well respected member of the Union City, NJ community. She was a Den Mother and later Cubmaster of the Union City Cub Scout Pack alongside her husband, Union City Commissioner Michael A. Leggiero. Her scouting awards include the NCCS International Awarness Award, William D. Boyce Award, Community Organization Award, Bronze Pelican Award, St. George Award, Order of the Sword of St. George, Den Leader’s Award, Den Leader’s Training Award, Scouter’s Training Award, Scouter’s Key, and Den Leader Coach Training Award. She is a graduate of Seabadge 51-NJ-2019. She is a member of both the Sacred Heart Society of Union City, NJ and the Bellotti Society of Union City. She is a parishioner of St. Lawrence Parish in Weehawken, NJ.