Treasurer & AUXSCOUT Liaison


Alexander Rothschild currently serves as the Treasurer for Ship 1908 and Crew 1908. He has served on Seabadge Staff for SB-67-NJ. Alex got involved in Sea Scouting due to his son Max who earned his Quartermaster, Eagle and Summit Awards through Ship 1908. Both Alex and his wife Laura have served with Ship 1908 since 2018 and both are Merit Badge Counselors. Alex served on the NNJC Sea Scout Committee for 4 years and received the Council Sea Scout Leadership Award. He is a member of USCG Auxilliary Flotilla 10-13 and works with our Ship to promote the AUXSCOUT initiative. He enjoys volunteer work and does as much as he can to help the community. He is a graduate of Seabadge 51-NJ-2019 and served on staff of Seabadge 62-NJ-2022.

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